Monday, September 20, 2010

My Today *\\20.09.2010//*

class as usual.
went to sunway pyramid after class because huibin wanna buy something and we still have time.
after that,
they came to mua house,
they gonna overnight at my place tonight for assignment.
it's Monday today and our assignment due on Wednesday,
same thing,
we're gonna present our presentation on Wednesday as well.
how unfortunately,
we're the first group.

after came to mua house.
rest and order food to eat together.
night then,
JJ came and we watch the assignment's movie together.
start thinking what's the theories fort eh movie.
maggie time will comes.

around midight and i forgot what is the time,
it's sleeping time.

owhh JJ did not overnight at my place because his mum not allowed and he's not feeling well and so,
he leave early.

wonderful night.
- by kellye tan

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