Thursday, October 15, 2009

▪ random post.

currently kellyetan is at office.
waiting her beloved nicholas dee dee come over here.
and bring her to take bus.
but she realized nicholas still sleeping.

what lar..~
and now i realized many customer likes to take free gift from us.
and know what?
they bought one item,
then they request for free gifts.
and then they pull out all the..
'' last time i bought what what what here.."
" last time your boss gave me, he always he give me what what free gift, he know me one.."
" all the item at my house i bought from here..."
" i always buy something here, give me more free gift lar.. "

i feel like laughing but i also feel like slapping them.

well now i guess i have to get ready,
maybe nicholas is coming?
i not sure but i am hungry,

- by kellye tan

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