got many lame,
and perasan photos.
dont laugh alright?
- the aquarius - kell and tong. (:
- puiyi, kellye, tong. (:
- kell and tong. (:
- lim kgai ter the leng zaii. LOL.
- ong chang meng the president. (:
- he loves to take off his shirt to show his sexy body.
- kellye playing bubbleeeeee. (:
- nice view. (:
- puiyi. (:
- tong tong. (:
- what a pretty view. (:
- the few committees and form 5. (:
- the pro ongchangmeng.
- aiyoyooo..~~~ this is the cutie junyang~~~ xD
- lai lai and zhen xuan. (:
- junyang. (:
- huey shin is cuteeee! (:
- saw twins there? (:
- the junior and houyan. (:
- our lunch. (:
- dang dang! group photo.. =D
- kell and lai lai. (:
- lai lai and tong tong. (:
- lai lai and puiyi. (:
- the coffee bean. (:
- lai lai. (:
- ehem. i dont wanna take photo with the stupiak teacher. LOL.
- ongchangmeng. (:
- view view and view~
- kellye and amanda. (:
- LOL.
- LOVE. <3
- kellye, amanda, puiyi and tong. (:
- houyan my darling. (:
- LM with junyang's sexy butt.
- <3 LM.
- tong, kell, yi, da. (:
- saw the bats stick on the net?
- hohoho, kellye with the bao~ xD
- group photo. (:
- kell and tong. (:
- kellye and dennis. (: (:
* wahhh, many photo more. will upload again. (:
- by kellye tan
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